
The routes for the marathon and the 10km are revealed! Both races, unique in the history of the Games and run at night, will offer an extraordinary sporting, sensory, and emotional experience in a rediscovered nocturnal Paris.

Parcours du Marathon Pour Tous de #Paris2024


The route for the 42.195km version of the Mass Participation Marathon will be the same as the Olympic marathon.

  • 42,195km loop linking Paris and Versailles
  • Starting at the Hôtel de Ville in Paris at 9pm
  • Finishing at Les Invalides     
  • Passing through 9 districts: Paris – Boulogne-Billancourt, Sèvres, Ville d’Avray, Versailles, Viroflay, Chaville, Meudon and Issy-les-Moulineaux



The Paris 2024 Marathon Pour Tous will follow a route that will be worthy of this event. It will link the Hôtel de Ville in Paris to Versailles, following a loop packed with history. The route will pass through nine of the Île-de-France region’s districts, against a backdrop of some of Paris’ most well-known monuments, the Paris region’s iconic parks and forests, and the majestic Palace of Versailles site.

The monuments and sites of interest on the route of the Paris 2024 Marathon Pour Tous:

  • Hôtel de ville de Paris
  • Bourse de commerce
  • Palais Brongniart
  • Opéra Garnier
  • Place Vendôme
  • Jardin des Tuileries
  • The Louvre
  • Place de la Concorde
  • The bridges of Paris (Pont de l’Alma; Alexandre III; Iena)
  • Grand Palais
  • Palais de Tokyo
  • Jardins du Trocadéro
  • Maison de la Radio
  • Manufacture et Musées nationaux de Sèvres
  • Forêt domaniale des Fausses-Reposes
  • Pershing - Lafayette Monuments
  • Château de Versailles
  • Forêt domaniale de Meudon
  • Parc André Citroën
  • Eiffel Tower
  • Musée Rodin
  • Esplanade des Invalides

This route across Île-de-France will give the marathon an original profile and will set demanding conditions for the athletes, because the Paris region is not as flat as it might seem. While a marathon is always a challenge for the body, this will be particularly true for the Paris 2024 event, with a route that will include a 436m climb and 438m descent. The maximum gradient on the route will be 13.5%.



Also ran by night, The 10km route will take in a number of iconic places and monuments at the heart of Paris, with a range of special events and activities organised to enable everyone to enjoy an intense and unforgettable moment in the parisian night.

  • 10km at the heart of Paris and its iconic monuments
  • Starting at Hôtel de Ville at 11:30pm
  • Finishing at Les Invalides
  • All in Central Paris